Absolutely! Dyno Route makes it easy for you to export reports of your routes in CSV and XLS formats. 📊📈 ✉️

These reports are valuable for analyzing your delivery data, tracking your progress, and sharing insights with others. Whether you're a data enthusiast or simply want to keep records of your routes, Dyno Route has got you covered!

Here's how you can export your route reports:

  1. Inside the Dyno Route App and access the Left Top Hamburger Burger Menu.
  2. Select the "Route Explorer" sub-menu.
  3. Locate the route you want to export or generate a report about, such as "Route Jun 10 (Saturday)."
  4. Tap on the three dots (ellipsis / kebab ) icon next to the route name.
  5. A popup menu will appear with options, choose "Get Route Report"
  6. In the report options, you can select either the CSV or XLS format OR Want the report delivered straight to your inbox? Choose the "Email to yourself" option.  If you select the email option, the report will be sent to the email address associated with your Dyno Route account.

With these simple steps, you can export your route reports and unlock the power of data-driven decision-making. 🚀🔍📊

Analyze your delivery patterns, identify areas for improvement, and share your route insights with your team or stakeholders.

So go ahead, export your route reports, and discover the valuable information that can help you optimize your delivery operations.

Let Dyno Route empower you with easy-to-use reports and take your route planning to the next level! 🚚💪🌟